Design Kickoff Open House—April 19

On April 19th, representatives from Wolf Architecture, PND Engineering, and Corvus Design toured the existing station at 219 Lower Mill Bay Road with City Project Manager, Matt Holmstrom, Retiring Fire Chief Jim Mullikan. and Incoming Fire Chief Frank Dorner. The design team documented existing space utilization as well as operations, equipment, and apparatus. 

In the evening, a public Open House was hosted by the City in the Apparatus Bay of the station. During the gathering, attendees--including Kodiak residents, nearby property owners, and elected representative—learned about station operations and observed current working, living, and facility conditions.  Members of the design team introduced visitors to the project background and lead a series of programming exercises with station personnel and the Core Project Team. 

Comment cards were distributed to each attendee to gather and incorporate input as the design moves forward.